Welcome to the Three Rivers Saxophone Quartet Page

Welcome to the Three Rivers Saxophone Quartet Page
The Three Rivers Saxophone Quartet recently celebrated 50 years together making music. We performed concerts in the cities of Johnstown and Pittsburgh PA. Scroll down to see the photos of these concerts. You will see the TRSQ members current and past and the many people in our large group who were so instrumental in our support over the years and the many performers and educators at our yearly workshops held at California University of PA. We had a great time playing music written especially for us by Pittsburgh composers/musicians and our Canadian musicians as well as a number of Hollywood Saxophone Quartet arrangements featuring Bass and Drums by Lennie Niehaus, Marty Paich and Billy May. The audiences loved the music and we loved presenting it to them. Follow us on FaceBook www.facebook.com/threeriverssaxophonequartet
Photo by Andrea Yeckel
Photo by John Cebula
If you would like to Donate to our Go Fund Me, please click on this link.
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Hello and welcome to the Three Rivers Saxophone Quartet Page. The TRSQ has been together making music since May of 1973. We have performed in many venues from the concert stage to the private party. Our programs feature music of many styles and are individually programmed to fit the audience. We also do clinics and workshops and have recorded two CD's.
Please visit our pages and read all about the quartet and the individual members and see some of our friends. Also you will find in our photo galleries some of the famous musicians we have worked with and hosted at our annual workshops.
The Three Rivers Saxophone Quartet will be celebrating 50 years of making music.
4 June, 2023 at Mt Lebanon United Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh PA 3:00PM
TRSQ members Marino Galluzzo, Mike Jacob, Steve Ehrin and Warren Yeckel
Past members, those who wrote for us, those who rehearsed with us and much more.
Names will be released as confirmed
New works and arrangements by local Pittsburgh Musicians - Rhythm Section and a large saxophone ensemble.
For all those who supported the Three Rivers Saxophone Quartet in any way!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! Stay tuned for more information.
Sign up to hear upcoming concerts, and events.
"MistleToons" - Christmas favorites in classical and jazz styles
Marino Galluzzo, Mike Jacob, Marcy Westerlund, David Matthews
Here you can listen to a sample of our first CD - "Celebrating 25 Years"
This CD features Marino Galluzzo, Mike Jacob, Marcy Westerlund & David Matthews
Marino Galluzzo, Soprano Saxophone, Alan Morrison, Alto Saxophone, David Matthews, Tenor Saxophone, Chet Sporny, Baritone Saxophone
Here you can help us celebrate our 47 years together. This is a live performance featuring Marino Galluzzo, Soprano, David Matthews, Alto, George Furlow, Tenor & Warren Yeckel, Baritone. We will post more thought the month of May!